100 Days on the Vision Boat
I wouldn’t bore you with the very exciting story of how I joined Gumi. However, I will share my experience from the first day till now which is even more exciting! So onboarding day, I didn’t know what to expect as I turned the handle on the door labeled Dora Akunyi…wait, let’s back up a bit while I introduce myself😅.
Hi, I’m Mfonido (pronounced mhm-funny-though) and I am a Project Analyst at Gumi. Now, through the course of the all-hands meeting which coincidentally served as my onboarding day, we introduced ourselves and we talked about many exciting things like where we were going, how to get there, where we are at now, and how to carry everyone along. Needless to say, by the end of the meeting I was super excited and charged up and it wasn’t because of the can of sweets I had reduced, nor the loads of company schwag I was taking home (they added to it though😅).
Once I began working, it felt great to work alongside an excellent team. I was worried about meeting expectations. Soon enough I felt more comfortable and part of the team because of the interest of the team in the progress of every member of the team. I found it easier to learn the things I didn’t know. Working on projects became an exciting avenue to learn new things and gain new skills.
Not to be corny (they started it first though, I got a cute nickname) but I often thought, “The organization of my dreams.” I mean, excellent colleagues, excellent work experience. The sheer idea of a mentorship program to promote my development at work and beyond. I wasn’t scared to share my ideas. On the contrary, I was sure they would fall on fertile grounds.
As someone who has always been interested in helping individuals in society and sustainable development, I was excited when I heard about GumiServ. GumiServ is this wonderful initiative by Gumi targeted to give back to the community through education, healthcare and waste management — core areas I have developed interests in over time!
I look forward to the rest of the journey. From juicing ideas to developing the ideas and implementing them. At Gumi, we are always looking for innovative solutions to problems and I’m here for it all. I’m glad I joined the vision boat😀