Dear Colleague, Improve the Future With Us
Dear Colleague,
We hope 2023 is off to a great start.
Regarding planning and progress towards individual and organizational objectives, one often finds two main schools of thought when considering the entrance into a new Gregorian year. On one hand, there are those who argue that it is all man-made and that pursuing epics should be a constant state of flow irrespective of the date on the calendar. On the other hand, you can find proponents of restarting at the beginning after some off-ramp at the end of the previous year to pause, reflect, recharge and ‘come back stronger’.
At Gumi, we see ourselves as sitting somewhere between both paradigms as we have internal and external projects that run multi-year or spill into a new time period. Also, for an organization with partners in countries where al-taqwīm al-hijrī is also used, being in line with the best of every world is a serious consideration.
What is, however, most critical is our desire to continue to collaborate with individuals and organizations from the private, public and social sectors who are every day determined to build new things and capabilities that represent some form of innovation on what exists and whose work leads to greater economic and social value for their stakeholders.
So, this is a call to reach out to us to discuss that revolutionary idea, build that exceptional product, develop that future-ready capacity; and to collaborate on the adoption of exponential technologies to digitize your organization as well as scale the reach of what you do.
Between now and the end of April, we are also building out some Gumi-led or involved products in chat commerce; what we are calling our knowledge API for innovation/innovators in Africa and the Middle East (A/ME); improvement of primary health care delivery at the ward-level in Nigeria; a high-level skill development program for professionals driven to solve big problems; and supplementing the dated Nigerian educational curriculum at primary and secondary school for non-consumers of future relevant digital skills. All of the aforementioned, currently at different stages of their deployment roadmaps are work we are excited and feel privileged to be able to do.
We’ll really love to share granular progress and hope you respond to this to let us know how you like to receive information about work and knowledge at our Innovation Factory. We also want to partner with you on some of them.
More specifically, the work Gumi does is incomplete if we don’t share our expertise in working with you to build your own products, services and capabilities.
This is because either as a means of aiding the work of healthy performing local political systems or as a way of closing gaps in some of our countries where there is slow or no progress as far as social and economic development are concerned, we strongly believe based on irrefutable historical evidence and remain obsessed with the idea that innovation done properly is a tremendous tool for changing our world. Therefore, having as many hands as possible carrying out innovation activity can only be a good thing for people, pockets and posterity.
And what is the SI Unit of Innovation? The number of things built. And that is what we are inviting you to walk and work with us this January and going forward.
Have a splendid new year and hope to engage soon in some way.
‘Lamide Young